Sunday, December 20, 2009

A hard day...

Sometimes, friends mean well, but the intention gets lost in the translation.

I need to remember that I need to trust and believe in myself and that no matter how hard I try to do everything 'right' I will make mistakes.

I know my friend loves me and only wants the best for me and it is only my past trying to get in the way of the future because I am trying to let it go once and for all.

Another thing I need to keep in the forefront of my mind is something I heard in a movie last night, and that is that miracles occur in everyday happenings such as the laughter of a child, the warmth of the sunshine and other things we all take for granted.

If we look for these common miracles everyday, our hearts will be always filled with joy and love and we will find true happiness.............

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This concept of choosing to be happy is very new to me. I have discovered, apparently very late in life for most people, that happiness is more of an attitude than something which is influenced by outside factors. It seems people in my generation have been taught that happiness is achieved when you have lots of money to buy things and then even more things and more money. Well, it's not.

For the coming year, I am going to look at everyday as a new opportunity to view my world in a new light, appreciating the 'little' things more and appreciating the people in my life a lot more.

I am going to believe. That has been one of the most difficult things for me - Belief and Faith.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Changes Abound

Today is my birthday.

All of my life, I have despised both my birthday and Christmas. Today I made the conscious choice to change my attitude about both and enjoy this wonderful time of year.

As I was driving home from dropping my son off at school this morning, I saw the sun coming over the horizon and thought about how many years I have wasted and the joy I never experienced by hating this time of year.

I also noticed how beautiful everything was around me, like I was a child seeing it for the very first time. I want to hold on to that thought and sense of awe and experience it everyday.

I have learned that being truly happy does not mean that you will never again experience hardships, rather it is an internal sense that despite the hardships we all are truly blessed with this life and the ability to make our lives whatever we choose to make it.

Here's to a wonderful year!